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Juliana's passion for visual arts and creativity found its first expression in her brother's music business, where as a teenager she was tasked with helping his performances stand out in a competitive industry. By blending modern technology with inspiration drawn from the psychedelic art of the 1960s and 1970s, Juliana created vibrant and attention grabbing posters to promote his gigs. While studying at New York University, Juliana’s interests expanded to the broader creative direction, visual identity, and social media management for independent musicians and bands, as well as furniture design, lighting design, and industrial design. Her distinctive style has since attracted attention beyond the music scene, leading to commissions for corporate events and educational programs along with freelance jobs creating corporate logos, package design, and more. 


Juliana Kulak graduated Magna Cum Laude from New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study with a concentration in the "Design of the Modern World: The Physical and Abstract Structures of Society." Her interdisciplinary studies examined the interplay of design, culture, and politics which has deepened her understanding of how design can shape and be shaped by societal dynamics, ultimately resulting in more thoughtful, impactful, and culturally resonant work


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